Thursday, January 29, 2004

Yay for Titties and Twirling Gussets

Having a crisis? Been dumped? Trouble at work or school? Jaw click when you chew? Daddy or chips? Babs and Belle will sort you right out. DEAR TITTIES has arrived.

There is no doubt that the problem pages of the national press have been in turmoil since the "Dear Deidre Dingbat Doobage Debacle." (This may or may not be true) Dear Titties is next evolution of Agony Aunterie and has been nominated for a multitude of awards including "Anusol's best use of Century Gothic in a pink blog" and "Blunt Instrument International's best use of the word 'Titties' in a website with no pictures of titties." (This also may or may not be true.) High praise indeed.

So email your woes in and let Babs and Belle strip your problems naked, smack them upside the head and send them packing, leaving you frolicking with glee.

In other news... I fell over twice today and have a big hole in my hand. It took me four seconds to fall over the first time and my entire street saw me. I swore quite a lot. I saw the funny side after my homicidal rage subsided to its normal level. Nobody saw me fall over the second time but if they had they would have been perplexed to hear me utter "not again" on my way down before I swore lots again. Hooray for twirling gussets and ice. That is all.

EDIT- Lawks! Look at this. Russian Roulette for the kiddies. Top idea. I've heard a rumour that they may release a version with hollow-point hippo feet for extra splatter.

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