Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Yesterday, for some reason, people at work were confusing me with someone who actually gave a shit... That's right... I had a right "Monday" on. All I wanted to do was get through the day and not have to speak to anyone in case I happened to bite their heads off but they kept trying. One individual in particular thought it was vitally important that I check out his ultra hilarious Jabber avatar of a Terminator... and he wouldn't let it lie either. He survived with minor lacerations.

Anyway, it's Tuesday now. Have some linkies... go on, treat yourself.

:: This game is totally hatstand but very soothing. Give Grow a go.

:: Star Wars on DVD? YAY!

:: Did you know: That there is an International Association of People Who Dine Over The Kitchen Sink (IAOPWDOTKS)? Now in it's 13th year!

:: I'm not playing X2 anymore but I am playing Eve. The slack blogging may continue for a while. Sorry about that ;)

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